Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weight loss!!! :)

I weighed myself for the first time in 3 weeks and surprisingly - I had lost 2.7 kilos!  Yay!  Something I am doing is working :)

Still only managed 4 out of 7 exercise days this week - other commitments, tiredness, and horrible weather dampen the enthusiasm.  The cold I can handle, but the constant rain and darkness are hard to deal with.  Just makes me want to warm myself infront of the fire.  I manage a PT session (hard out), two lots of zumba, yoga, and walks with furry ones.

My main issue as I know with other people is actually just getting out there.  I know once I'm out I can keep going (like the gym)...its just getting past the procrastination stage.

The less bread regime is going good.  Have not had more than 2-3 pieces a week since I reduced the intake.  Its good, but damn it still smell and tastes good.

Below is one of my favourite clips on Youtube.

Makes me laugh everytime.

Now goals for this week.  Make it through the week.  Do exercise 4 out of 5 work days this week.  This coming weekend is a long weekend - soooo hanging out for it!

Not a lot more to say this week.  Lets hope for a more sunny one ahead :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The full body what??

Well exercise was the focus of the week.  I managed 4 out of 7 days exercising.  Wanted a little better, however excuses, courses and feeling down deterred me a few of the days.  On the plus side, it was more than what I have done most weeks.

Two sessions were Personal Training sessions - My trainer Clayton doesn't tend to take shit from me (this is a good thing).  The first session on the Tuesday almost....made me cry.  But didnt.  It involved many versions of squats, free weights with squats, flipping rugby bags, exercycles, and pressups.  Needless to say...achey the next day, but then later that afternoon I had another session.  I thought it may be easier, but NO!  It was basically the same work out.  Clayton refers to it as the metabolism jump start or....the full body fuckup.   No pain no gain...right???   I do feel slightly virtuous once I have done it, and it is good knowing the aches aren't because I am old.

The other exercise was dog walking on the beach on the first fine day in a long time, and today a cardio workout (treadmill, cross trainer, and exercycle plus a few arm exercises, stretches and medicine ball crunches).  Good workout.

I found a couple of photos of before pics when doing a weight loss challenge earlier this year (didn't suit me - poor mans weight watchers).  I fully hate them but hope it will inspire me to look better. If I can put improved pics on for comparison, I think that will boost my motivation.
The next two are from a family wedding in Auckland a couple of weeks ago.  Again photos I cannot stand - use them to motivate myself.

So this weeks goal - do six days of exercise, and no morning tea from the tea lady or ones that are put on (unless there is a healthy option...after all those ones are free).

I am also going to look for some celebrity pics I can use as motivation and are semi realistic.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bye bye bread

So after a week, my first challenge was to eliminate something from my diet.

I chose bread and bread products.

Bread is my weakness, and I do love it so.

How did I cope.  Well I managed a week without bread.  I have to say my energy has been better and have not been feeling so sluggish and bloated.  I do wonder if I have slight gluten intolerance.  My proudest moments in bread avoidance was avoiding the oh so tasty cheese scones that the tea lady sells, not eating sandwiches and not eating any of the homemade garlic bread with a dash of mustard seasoning at a dinner party.

I can't say I could avoid it forever, but I do see the benefits of cutting right back, especially with energy.

The week was harder by having a cold...damn snotty noses and sneezing.  Exercise suffered so that will be the next goal for this week.

My motivation for the journey is still a work in progress.

With chances of pregnancy being less than positive, the whole issue is still something I have to deal with.  Some days good, some not.  This weekend has been a not phase.  I just feel no one understands.  Im not coping that well, but may be next week will be better. My Dad and others tell me not to let it get to me or it will eat me question do you do that?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Watch this space.....

I am going to resume my weight loss journey - with a few differences this time. 

I feel now I am in a better place with a clearer mind to focus on this.

I will blog more often - this will be one of the requirements.

More will be revealed in the next watch this space :)  or the cuties above...awwwww